The Biggest Resume Mistake 95% of People Make


Ask yourself: if a company doesn´t ask for a Resume, would you create one anyway? I´m pretty sure that the majority of us would say NO. In fact, the main reason why resumes are created is to submit a job application. And that´s why 95% of people make this common mistake.


People create resumes focusing on themselves, listing endless work history and providing information that doesn´t relate to the company and the role they are applying for, rather than creating a resume that will showcase their achievements and unique value proposition.


The most common mistake is not to use the Resume as a marketing tool. And the ugly truth is that your Resume is not about you, it´s about the Company and your future manager. Resumes are a powerful marketing tool that should be carefully crafted to show your best sales pitch and let you stand out from other candidates, your competition!


Here is what I recommend:


1. Add a Clear Profile

Your Resume must include a summary statement that highlights your profile, who you are and your unique value proposition. You could even include the job title of the position you are applying to, for example, add “Project Manager with 5 years´ experience” instead of “Mechanical engineer”. Having a clear profile and the exact job title can help you to get through the first filter.


2. Show how Amazing you are

Your goal is to get the hiring manager to think you are amazing – so tell them how amazing you are! Stay away from generic words and descriptions and instead pick a language that will showcase your qualities and achievements. Don´t be shy and take this opportunity to show your best!


3. Include achievements instead of tasks

Tasks are boring, achievements are eye-catching! Show why you instead of someone else. You need to stand out from your competition, rather than just showing that you are qualified for the job. Demonstrate to your future manager that you are the best person for the role listing your achievements and giving examples of how you´ve succeeded.


4. Tailor your Resume to your audience

Just as an ad, think about who your audience is and customise your Resume accordingly. Pick information that is the most similar to the role you are applying for and add examples that will relate to the company, the industry and the projects the company is working on.


5. Make it catchy

On average recruiters spend just 6 seconds looking at resumes, therefore first impressions are critical, and you need to attract and keep the attention of the recruiter in a few seconds. Keep your Resume short and only include essential information. Add power words and make it easy to read. And don’t forget to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes!


Want additional help with your Resume? Sing up to our online course How to build your Perfect Resume, or if you´re looking for more personalised support, ask us about our career coaching services.